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Insurance compensation lawyers
Quick contact details

A phone number and 'make an enquiry' button make enquiring with Denning Insurance Law convenient.

Calls to action

These call to action buttons in the website's banner offer the user two options — they can enquire or find out more about how Denning works — a win-win.


Denning practise across a few different legal fields. This panel allows the website visitor to quickly discover exactly what it is that the firm provides.

Features & benefits

This panel quickly communicates the benefit of Denning Insurance Law's services in a way that is easy to digest. 

Demonstrated experience

This profile on Kate Denning, the firm's principal lawyer, adds credibility to the page. It shows demonstrated experience. 

Further experience

Displaying this case study allows the website visitor to get an idea of what the firm is capable of and how they can help. 


Real reviews from previous clients work to settle distrust and alleviate any hesitations visitors may have about enquiring with Denning.

Denning Insurance Law

Denning Insurance Law is a law firm specialising in insurance and compensation law in Brisbane.

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